Lindblad Expeditions & National Geographic have joined forces to inspire the world through expedition travel. Come and discover the planet's most extraordinary places.
But the human motives underlying the alliance between the two companies, forged in 2004 are simpler: hero worship, and the human genetic drive to head out in ships and discover new things.
Sven Lindblad regarded his explorer father as a hero, and was enthralled by National Geographic magazine, the National Geographic Society, and its roster of Explorers past and current. At National Geographic, there is simply no one who does not love the idea of exploring the world and knowing its wonders, or having a fleet of ships to do it with. So, the alliance was a natural—and creates a wonderful proposition for today’s travelers.
Each ship in the Lindblad fleet is either purpose built to explore a region of the planet or leased on a basis of what they can add to the expedition experience. Just as a restaurant will design its kitchen based on a menu, the ship is tailored to exploring the planet’s most foreboding places in extreme comfort. Some are designed to navigate shallow rivers and deploy narrow skiffs to explore flooded forests. Others tailored to sailing along wild coasts and venturing into fast-moving, shallow channels where whales gather seasonally to feed. And yet others are made to go far into the planet’s polar regions in safety and comfort without resupplying fuel or provisions for weeks on end.
Now, thanks to the Lindblad-National Geographic alliance, you can sail aboard the National Geographic fleet to the planet’s most extraordinary places in the company of world-renowned scientists, naturalists, educators, and researchers, and explore stunning natural environments alongside skilled specialists using state-of-the-art exploration tools.
Joining us on any expedition means signing up for adventure. And the reward for your curiosity is inevitable—the most exhilarating experience of pure discovery possible.
Please see Lindblad Expeditions brochure for deck plans, general information, cruise conditions and responsibility statement. Itinerary and times subject to change. Validity dates apply per product. Land only/cruise only unless otherwise specified. Wi-Fi connectivity and speed may vary based on destination. Gov't, misc. fees/taxes, optional excursions and travel insurance not included. Restrictions, limitations and agency fees may apply. Ask AAA for details. Agency #178-018-521